Job offers

Working at phronesys

Would you like to be part of our team?

Phronesyss BV is the reference in the digitalization of SHEQ and business processes. With our cloud applications (and associated mobile APP) we strive to optimize the management of quality, safety, environment, etc. on the work floor. We have three business units within our company that give the best of themselves every day: IT professionals who manage our applications, SHEQ consultants who support our customers with their knowledge questions, and business consultants who are ready to guide the customer every step of the way.

Are you our new "Phronesian”? Then take a quick look at our vacancies.

Open vacancies

(International) Business Consultant

Hou je ervan bedrijven te overtuigen van de voordelen van een digitaal managementsysteem – en hen hierna te begeleiden bij deze digitale stap?

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SHEQ Consultant

Je vindt het leuk bedrijven te begeleiden bij het opzetten, implementeren en onderhouden van managementsystemen op vlak van kwaliteit, milieu, (voedsel)veiligheid en informatiebeveiliging.

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APP Developer

Bij Phronesyss BV streven we ernaar bedrijven te ondersteunen bij het digitaliseren van hun managementsysteem met behulp van innovatieve cloudapplicaties en bijhorende APPs. Ben jij de sleutelfiguur in het bouwproces van onze APP?

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Business Partner

To further expand our network, we work with Phronesys business partners who represent our SHEQ tools in their region.

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No vacancies for your profile?

Have you not found a vacancy that suits your skills and would you still like to work at Phronesyss BV? Feel free to send us an email with your CV and motivation letter. Be sure to include "spontaneous application" in the subject line.